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A Snug Home with

The Original

MDF Cold Air Return

Don't settle for tacky, dated vents in your finely finished home.

Choose the subtle beauty of Snug Vent, and never notice an ugly grill again.

Our Story

Our Story

Born of Need

Newly married
in a new province

in the middle of recession

a friend delivered an opportunity.


A collection of parts and a customer list quickly became a growing business.

Making homes more comfortable with our cold air returns, Snug Vent was born.


With dedicated effort, our first deliveries were made. My wife and I secured our first home, had our first child, and grew our small business out of our garage.


Disaster struck.


While helping a friend, Andrew suffered a serious head injury.


Severe post concussion symptoms made production very difficult.


We modified our methods and schedule to maintain production. Pushing the business forward was out of the question, but we held on as best we could.


We are very grateful for the opportunity that Snug Vent provided. We were able to maintain some income despite Andrew not being well enough to work a regular job.


We struggled for years.


With perseverance, we began to push forward.


- We improved our machine

- We built a paint booth to begin priming

- We began selling online

- We added packaging and labeling


All this in a single car garage.


The labor of hand finishing each vent was not sustainable. Repetitive motion and long hours were a terrible combination.


We continued to look for ways to improve our product and process.


Andrew slowly recovered.


We were able to move into a larger space.


More storage, a better packing system and larger workspace made things smoother.


We were able to improve our production process as well, eliminating some of the hardest labor.


The struggles we had in meeting customer demand began to balance out. Steadier production and better practices helped us to fulfill orders more quickly.


All of these combined to turn Snug Vent from an anchor in tough times, into a way forward.


We are excited about the future.


We will be growing our staff as well as our product line.


Look forward to more install options, more stock sizes, and faster shipping times.


(We have some new product ideas up our sleeve as well)


Thank you for being a part of our journey.

Your support has helped us build a healthy and safe environment for our children. We've been very blessed by all the encouragement we've received over the years.


We hope to bless you as well, by making your home a little more beautiful, and just a little bit more 'Snug'.

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